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Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign

TREEcovery is a multi-year disaster recovery effort by RETREET to heal the landscape devastated by the Memorial Day 2019 tornadoes. Two properties were selected for planting in Fall 2021 and the rest will be planted in Spring 2022.

More information is available at: 

If you have questions, please contact James Metz, MVRPC’s Disaster Recovery Planner, at (937) 531-6547 or you may email James at

Background Information

Dear Residents of the Miami Valley,

My name is Grady McGahan, and I am the Director of RETREET at Keep America Beautiful. RETREET is the program through which free trees will be planted at the homes of Miami Valley residents who are in recovery from the 2019 tornados. I write this email to provide you with an update on the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign.

Rest assured that your request for trees was received and that we intend to plant for you!

Initially, we were scheduled to begin organizing volunteers to plant at home sites on Saturday, September 25th. However, the tough decision was made to postpone our neighborhood plantings following a rigorous process of evaluating the potential health & safety impacts of the COVID Delta variant, in direct communication with all of our local partners including the Miami Valley Long-Term Recovery Operations Group and the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission.

Instead, we focused our initial efforts on a planting that took place on Saturday, October 2nd, in Sinclair Park, led by our local affiliates Keep Ohio Beautiful and Keep Montgomery County Beautiful and sponsored by Leadership Dayton and Rotary Club of DaytonCLICK HERE to see a Facebook photo album from the Sinclair Park Reforestation Project, during which 81 trees were planted.

The plan now is to host our first major planting at home sites on or around Arbor Day (April 2022), with a second major planting to follow on or around Make A Difference Day (October 2022). We expect your home to be included in one of these two plantings.

Requests for trees still are being accepted. So, please tell any impacted family, friends, and neighbors to go to and submit a request!

Conversely, if you no longer want to receive free trees through the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign, please let me know so I may remove your home from the planting list.

Generous support of the Miami Valley TREEcovery Campaign has been provided by The Dayton FoundationAES OhioThe UPS FoundationCargillThe Home Depot FoundationCharles D Berry, and Sisters of the Precious Blood. Please join me in giving thanks to these wonderful sponsors!

Wishing you all the best in your continued recovery,

Grady McGahan​Director, RETREET


1010 Washington Blvd.,

Stamford, CT 06901


The Keep America Beautiful 2020 National Litter Study summary has been published. There are 50 BILLION pieces of litter on America's roadways and waterways. Get the report and all the details at: ​

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